Friday, May 05, 2006

Running...yet again,

So I just started running on monday after a 6 month hiatus. I'm starting up slow of course because I'm pretty much out of shape, but oh well, that's why I'm running I guess. Tonight on my run, I was running downhill and I (it was dark) got pot-holed, nearly falling and rolling my ankle quite nicely. It'll be sore tomorrow that's for sure.

I talked to my sister on the phone tonight. I'm really proud of her. She'll be attending Rice University in the fall in their English PhD program specializing, I believe, in Post-Colonialism. I can't imagine ever getting my PhD. Simply amazing.

Schoolwork seems to be never ending. Just when I tell myself "next week will be better" it's not. It really never ends. I have a quiz tomorrow, two papers due wednesday, a large project due friday, and a midterm the following monday and friday. Interspersed, I have random homework assignments. And that's just the next two weeks. Basically all you can do is just keep plowing ahead. It's my theory that half of the purpose of Cal Poly's engineering program is to weed out those who aren't tough enough to keep up with the work. They also seem to have the "throw as much as possible at the student and hope that some of it at least sticks" mentality. People always ask me if I'm happy in computer engineering, what with the crazy workload and difficult classes and at times damning effects on my social life. I like what I'm learning, but it's hard to love it because of the stresses of taking so much in all at once. For example, I'm in a semiconductors class right now... I think it's amazing that these things work in the way that they do, but at the same time the material is incredibly difficult at times. Now if I only had this one class to concentrate on, I'd be golden. I could completely master the material, but alas I have 3 other difficult and/or time consuming classes. I do at least feel like I'm learning a lot. I'm also sure that making it through the program really will get me a good job doing something I find very interesting and exciting, not to mention I'm working at Google this Summer :)


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