Thursday, December 30, 2004

Jump in. Oh well what you waiting for?

Yup so yet again it's been a while. These days off just make me so lazy. It's strange. I posted more during school when I actually had stuff to do. It also has a little bit to do with all this election stuff being gone and past. I still find good "liberal" stuff that I could post, but mostly it just frustrates me more. 4 Years seems so so far away. Sad.

Christmas went well. Ummm not much to say. Got some computer stuff. Because I know you all care so much I got, among other things, a new tower case and power supply! Woooh! Exciting eh? eh? Yeah I know.... I'll stop.....

I just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I liked it. It was pretty different and I of course like that. Kind of almost a reverse spin of Vanilla Sky, another movie which I thoroughly enjoyed. While I'm talking about movies, I watched Garden State again last night at Danny's. I liked it more the second time I think. I really can't get over how good its soundtrack is (I of course am listening to it now). It makes the movie that much better.

So things have been OK on the homefront. I'm definitely on a vacation sleep cycle. I try to get in bed by 4 (that's AM) and be up by noon. Getting back in the school cycle is going to be painful.

I've been hangin out a lot with the neighborhood guys over break. It's pretty cool just to be able to do stuff on the fly and have everybody close. That's one thing I think I missed by not going to public high school. All my high school friends live all over the area, most a good 10 minute drive. Just a random thought.

Oh I went to Christmas in the Park this year in downtown San Jose. I was very very impressed by it as opposed to before when it was just kind of 'bleh'. It was almost like a carnival (without the creepiness) atmosphere. There was ice skating, decorations and stuff everywhere, and even a Ferris wheel! It was made even better by the person with whom I got to go. She's definitely one of the most amazing people that I know and it sucks that we only get to hang out on breaks from school (schools = far apart). I swear the conversations we have just flow so naturally and comfortably. Argh! What's a guy to do.....? Well I could just quit school or transfer and move out there and it'll be just like the movies! Ha! Anyways.....

What's next? Ah yes. New year's is coming up in a few days and I think I'll be staying in the bay area. I had been thinking to go back to SLO, but it doesn't look like many people I know will be there. How depressing would that be to be all alone on New Years? So yeah, looks like Daniel's is the place to be this year. I plan on heading back to SLO on the 1st. I want to have a nice 2 days to get all situated again and ready for the school grind to begin.

Looks like that's it for me for tonight. Perhaps if I updated more, I would have to make such a long post huh? Oh and as a final note. Tsunamis suck.

Ø <--- It's back!

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