Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Auf Wiedersehen Deutsche

So today I made the executive decision to drop German 102. This also probably drops my chance of going to Germany to study abroad. This makes me sad, but it really just wasn't going to work out this quarter and not taking it will make my life so much easier and less stressful. I can work my full 10 hours and still have time for the rest of my classes.

I'm hoping now to still go somewhere in Europe, but it will most likely be English speaking (read it'll have to be English speaking). So that's pretty much Ireland or England. I'll still for sure visit Germany and northern Europe when I'm there...

Anyways, I have to study for a Chemisty diagnostic quiz that I have tomorrow. Apparently for this Chem class I'm suppose to remember everything that I learned in high school chem. I took chem in high school? Oh yeah.... 4 years ago..... ugh


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