Monday, February 14, 2005

A good weekend..

But now it's time for a pretty tough week. 3 midterms. Had chem today. I think I actually did pretty well, which is good, because my other classes are destroying me.

Anyways, this weekend was so good. There was just lots of fun, music, people, drinking, and good things like that. Just a good time...

Oh and poly gras was just as I expected. Nothing to note. Which is good I guess...

This is apparently the post of random snippets....

Green Day rocks and I'm listening to American Idiot right now. I swear... one of the best albums of all time.

Oh flikr is neat.... I'll be uploading photos a little more regularly now (maybe)... and you can see the 3 most recent on the handy toolbar to the right....

That's enought for now....

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